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23 sept 20225 Min. de lectura
Preservation, Innovation and Vandalism.
Eliezer Shemtov I want to share with you, dear reader, an interesting experience I recently had in Glen Canyon, Arizona. In order to...

13 abr 20227 Min. de lectura
The Talmud and Cryptocurrency
Eliezer Shemtov I am not an expert on the subject of cryptocurrency, a very complex issue with many details, but the other day, talking...

7 abr 20225 Min. de lectura
Why I celebrate Pesach
One of the most celebrated Jewish holidays is, undoubtedly, Pesach. It has been 3,335 years since those who left Egypt and their...

28 nov 20214 Min. de lectura
The Fiddler on the Roof and Chanukah
Rabbi Avrohom Shemtov accompanying Mr. Bikel at his meeting with the Rebbe Yankel was a merchant Chassid who lived in Moscow and came to...

14 may 20216 Min. de lectura
Faith and Reason: The Two Pillars of Judaism.
"Tell me, Rabbi: is Judaism based on logic or faith?" "Yes." One of the great challenges for the Western Jew is to reconcile "Faith and...

25 abr 20215 Min. de lectura
1,001 Reasons to Say "No"
Reissued on the occasion of Tzedakah Foundation of Uruguay's Charidy Campaign Eliezer Shemtov...

8 feb 20214 Min. de lectura
Thank you, Mauricio!
Eulogy delivered by Rabbi Eliezer Shemtov in honor of Mauricio —Moshe A"H ben Reuben— Levitin January 27, 2021 Cementerio Israelita de la...

11 may 20209 Min. de lectura
Who Is In Your Driver's Seat?
One of the challenges we often face in life is balancing our three major “drivers”: faith, intellect and emotions. Should we make...

11 may 20205 Min. de lectura
Let's Be Unreasonable
Pesach This coming Passover we will be celebrating and reliving our freedom from Egyptian bondage and G-d’s revelation at Mt. Sinai which...

27 abr 202018 Min. de lectura
Marriage, Intermarriage and Conversion
The Basis for Jewish Opposition to Intermarriage By Eliezer Shemtov Introduction One of the most worrisome and least understood subjects...

27 abr 20203 Min. de lectura
Welcome, Tzemach!
Musings of a Newly Minted Grandfather By Eliezer Shemtov Last week our daughter-in-law, Musya, gave birth to our first grandchild; a...

23 abr 20207 Min. de lectura
Teaching the Shoah: Personal Reflections
Rabbi Eliezer Shemtov I recently had the opportunity to be present at a class organized by the Holocaust Museum in our city for a group...

23 abr 202026 Min. de lectura
Coronavirus in the traditional sources.
What can we find in our traditional sources that can shed light on any aspect of the Corona virus?

23 abr 20204 Min. de lectura
Thank you, Mr. Lauder, for your clarity.
When leaders offer a free ride to the wrong destination.

23 abr 20205 Min. de lectura
Some Corona Lemonade
When G-d gives you lemons, it's time for some lemon aid. Here is some Lemon Aid á la Corona

23 abr 20205 Min. de lectura
Beresheet, the Seder and Moshiach
What spiritual lessons does Beresheet have for us?
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